The beginners, guide to amazing posts titles

Good content is by running a blog. Well, that's when you play real people, of course.

The problem with most new bloggers is to start with compelling content, but no one reads ... Why? Probably because their job titles are not good enough, and although its contribution may be the greatest blog post again if no one reads the title, not worth much.
Here are some suggestions to improve the titles of their job and ensure that people scroll down to see the rest of the post.
List of titles use
Topping the list is using the format is generally good. For example, "7 Ways to Boost RSS subscribers Count ways hot" would be much better than simply "to get more RSS subscribers" - even if the contributions are the same!
The lists are not only easier to read, but also a better chance of other blogs including how the debate and add your own views.
Do not do this all the time, to exaggerate his blog will hurt, but a good opportunity to make contributions, people read by using powerful words to be created.
What title will be more inclined to read the bottom?
Destroy the competition - read below!
How to improve competition
For me it is the first. Everyone loves superlatives, especially in the blogosphere - hell, "destroy" I prefer that my competition is not only "better."
The exact amounts
If you write your review of the indicators increased, why not show the accuracy of their estimates of benefits you need? Here's another example - should know better?
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While the former is more likely to choose - and if we talk about all kinds of measures, both revenues, traffic, etc. Subscribers
These are three simple but effective ways that I personally make sure that people want to click and read my messages - and guess what I tend to have more comments than the blog of a similar level through this.
The use of titles that appeal to their readers and provoke their emotions and can read and comment and subscribe. Who says that blogging was hard?